Monday, October 6, 2008

Season 2: Prologue

it's pumpkin carving season again, but while i'm raring to get going i've got a lot on my plate this year. so instead of one a day, i'm just going to slaughter as many as i see fit. i also have a little plan in action for a fun little pumpkin side project that we'll see if i can get in gear later on this month.

i'm looking for a good way to preserve pumpkins this year, so if you know of something other than vaselining them, lemon juicing them, varnishing them, bleaching the bujezus out of them, keeping them wet 24/7, or shrink wrapping them, let me know. i've tried all of those things to no avail.... for my first one this year i'm going to try bleaching the bujezus out of it, then coating the whole thing with parafin wax. i think the bleach will kill any bacteria, then the wax will seal in everything... i think rot will be my enemy on this one...

in the meantime, i bought Number 1 today and man is he a beast. this miraculous bastard is easily the biggest pumpkin i've ever carved, and i just weighed it in at 53 lbs.... i'll weigh it again after i get a chance to gut and cut him. i chucked a stella in the picture just for scale...
