Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Preproduction Pt 2

so it appears my experiment in the long term preservation of carvings is borderline useless... my test subject seems to be aging as would be expected....

here he is hanging out with some of his pals that are still waiting to get cut....

anyways, as promised, my preproduction sketches...

and some previous sacrifices...

anyways, i'll post more sketches soon, and i'll start crankin out some gourds soon!!

can't wait to get this show on the road...

Preproduction Pt 1

every year i carve more and more pumpkins, i think i did nine pumpkins, a watermelon and a black squash last year. well... no more. this year i'm going to do 31 pumpkins (squashes, canteloupes, potatoes, or whatevers) in 31 days.

31 punkins.
31 days.

i'm not going to start till october 1st, but later tonight i'll post pics of my first test pumpkin (which i think is actually a decorative squash) that i carved specifically to test out preservation methods before i get started. i'll also post my sketches of my possible ideas for this year, and maybe, if you're lucky, some pictures of previous pumpkins, squashes, gourds and watermelons.

hope this works...
